Clayfolk depends upon its members volunteering to manage the organization and the annual show.  It also needs its members to participate in the activities related to this management. So, in 2001, Clayfolk implemented a points system to acknowledge and reward members who volunteer to put in time and effort to make Clayfolk a successful organization.

Since our venue space is limited, points are important in determining who is accepted into Clayfolk’s Annual Show and Sale. They also determine one’s priority in choosing a booth space at the show.

Points are cumulative from year to year. They are tallied at the end of May and added to the member’s total. A point total list for all members is published in the July/August newsletter.

If you are a Clayfolk member and want to see your current points total, please go to Member Login > Members’ Points Totals (on the secondary menu).


Ways to earn points include:

  • Renewing your membership on time
  • Attending general meetings
  • Serving as an officer
  • Serving as an organizational chair
  • Serving as a chair of a show committee
  • Presenting a program at a meeting
  • Hosting a meeting.
  • Making a one-time extraordinary contribution

Point Guidelines

Renewing members earn three points for paying their dues on time (December 31).  New members joining any time during the membership year earn all three membership points.

Members attending general meetings earn one point for each one they attend.  Each member is responsible for signing in during the meeting to get that point.

The Officers of Clayfolk earn points.  They are elected annually.  The Vice-President, President, and Past President serve one-year terms.  The Secretary and Treasurer serve 3-year terms and the Members-at-Large serve 2-year terms.  However, members can run for any of the offices in the annual election held in December.  Officers assume their duties in January and that year’s points count toward the show in November.

The Organizational Chairs earn points.  The board appoints Organizational Chairs. Chair openings are announced when there is an opening or at the end of the suggested 3-year term.  Openings are advertised in general meetings, the newsletter and via eNews.  Members interested in being considered for the opening need to submit a letter of interest to the board that includes their qualifications to hold that position.

The Chairs of Show Committees earn points.  The Show Chair appoints the committee chairs.  Interested members need to relay their interest to the Show Chair.

Trainees for chair positions earn points.  Certain positions require skills and experience that can only gained over time.  The board will appoint trainees to these positions the year before.  These trainee positions will also be advertised.

Hosting a general meeting or presenting a program at a general meeting earns a member points.

The board has the discretion to award points to a member who contributes beyond their job description adding to the efficacy and efficiency of the organization. By the same token, committee chairs have the discretion not to award full points for a member’s inadequate participation on the committee.

Couples who do not have individual memberships earn points as a single individual.  If these couples break their relationship or decide to have separate memberships, they must decide how to divide their points.  If a member drops  his or her membership and later rejoins Clayfolk, he/she will retain the points accumulated at the time of departure. In that case, the member will be responsible for keeping track of the points and must provide appropriate documentation to the Points Chair at the time of rejoining.

Each Clayfolk member will be given a total of his or her points in a list that is published each summer in the Clayfolk Newsletter and on the website. If a member feels there is an error in his or her total number of points, that member should submit why in writing to the Points Chair and provide the number of points he or she feels is appropriate. If the situation is not resolved, the member may contact the board for further clarification or to make an appeal.

Find a description of each position’s job description in the operations manual. (Must use member’s password to access.)


Show Point Guidelines

The Show Chair reviews all the applications for the show (due in by June 1 of each year). From the members’ list of committee preferences, the Show Chair assigns the chair of each committee, the committee members, and the trainee if appropriate.

Points are listed in the link for chairing a show committee and being a trainee. Typically most chair positions are two or three years and trainee positions are for one year. Information about available chair and trainee positions will be outlined in the spring newsletter. For chairs to receive all their points, they are required to attend 2 out of 3 mandatory meetings. No points are given for participation in the annual show or for the committee work done for the show.


Click here for the description of Clayfolk Board, Committee Chair, Clayfolk Show positions and the points earned for each position