Clayfolk Board Positions
President | Pts 17 | Yrs 3 | elected annually
Set agendas and run 6 board and 5 general meetings. Work with the Show Chair and oversee how everything is going. Update with the Board annual calendar of all meetings and newsletters. Provide information for newsletters including opportunities for members to make points. Distribute point forms to Scholarship and Library Chairs and give points for Board members to the Point Chair. Each January update webpage information with the Vice President.
Vice President | Pts 9 | Yrs 3 | elected annually
Attend Board meetings, general meetings, and run meetings when the President is unable to. Assist the President with updating the webpage annually. Assist with tasks as designated by President
Past President | Pts 7 | Yrs 1
The past president’s major duty is to assure continuity of governance between the outgoing and incoming board members. He/she also has the duty to follow the general job description of the board.
Co-Treasurer 1 | Pts 17 | Yrs 3 | elected annually
Receives $500 honorarium of proceeds from the annual show. Write checks to Members and Accounts Payable. Assemble yearly information and deliver to tax preparer. Maintain electronic spreadsheet and file all pertinent receipts and statements. Regularly attend Board meetings and reports fiscal health to Members and the Board. Attends to Clayfolk financial business including reconciling Show proceeds with the other Treasurer.
Co-Treasurer 2 | Pts 17 | Yrs 3 | elected annually
Receives $500 honorarium of proceeds from the annual show. Write checks to Members and Accounts Payable. Regularly checks P.O. Box for bills, bank statements, membership forms and checks, application forms and checks (forwards those to appropriate chairs). Attends Board meetings when the other Treasurer cannot. Attends to Clayfolk financial business including reconciling Show proceeds with the other Treasurer.
Secretary | Pts 11 | Yrs 3 | elected annually
Take minutes and keep track of board and general meeting notes. Record attendance at meetings and if the Points Chair is not at the general meeting give to the Points Chair. Vote on board decisions. Provide meeting notes to the webmaster. Be available to give members general information.
Members at Large (3) | Pts 6 | Yrs 3 | elected annually
Attend all board meetings, present the concerns of the members to the board. Vote on all board decisions including the selection of chairpersons. Assist with tasks as designated by President. If the Secretary isn’t at a meeting, one will take minutes and collect sign-up sheet.
For detailed job descriptions for each of these positions please visit the Clayfolk Operations Manual. (Note: members must log in to view this page.)
Committee Chairs – Membership Positions appointed by Board
Archivist | Pts 3 | Yrs 3 |
Collect, organize and maintain Clayfolk digital archives. Examples are photos, videos. Facilitate access to archives for members and collect images from annual Show. Collects digital images from the annual show, edits/crops/adjusts them as needed, compiles them into small animations and slideshow(s) for the webpage.
Workshops | Pts 10| Yrs 3 | Works with Co-chair
Oversees the presentation of two to three workshops per year. Contacts workshop artists, advertises to our membership and elsewhere, collects monies, assists the artist and runs the workshop. Can delegate these tasks to members who can earn 1-3 points depending on the task.
Empty Bowls | Pts 7 | Yrs 3 | Separate Chair(s) for Douglas, Jackson and Josephine Counties
Collects work from potters and helps organize events with various groups to sell pots to donate proceeds to local food banks.
eNews | Pts 8 | Yrs 3
Responsible for all electronic/email communications sent to the membership.
Library | Pts 4 | Yrs 3
Keeps a list of books and DVD’s previously donated to the library. Selects and buys books and DVD’s for libraries in Jackson and Josephine counties.
Membership | Pts 10 | Yrs 3
Update President of new members for welcome message. Keep members’ information up to date, add new members as needed, print labels for newsletter, and send out membership list to members at least once a year. Coordinate with Newsletter Chair, eNews Chair, Points Chair, and Treasurer.
Newsletter | Pts 15 | Yrs 3
Organize Clayfolk information, format, copy/collate and send out 5 newsletters per year. Send email copy to webmaster and eNews Chair.
Points | Pts 10 | Yrs 3
Organize and update points yearly – works with President, Show Chair and others to update points.
Program Chair | Pts 6 | Yrs 3
Plan programs for three general meetings a year. Program can be a visiting or local artist doing a demo, info that helps with self promotion, and ways to stay ergonomically healthy.
Program Presenter | Pts 2
Program Host | Pts 2
Scholarship | Pts 4 | Yrs 5
Advertise the annual scholarship, create application, process applications. Select candidate. Work with 2 to 4 other committee members who get 2 points, serve 3 years.
Social Media | Pts 15 each | Yrs 3 |
The mission of this job is to create posts that promote the Clayfolk community, events and members. Keep an online presence all year round but activity will increase during the events and activities of Clayfolk. Guide the committee when such events occur with posting schedules and delegating responsibilities. Committee members may change with each event but creating a consistent online voice all year round would be the goal.
Webmaster | Pts 12 | Yrs 3
Webmaster will maintain and update website and provide ongoing social media support and event promotion. Webmaster also serves on Promotions committee during the annual show.
For detailed job descriptions for each of these positions please visit the Clayfolk Operations Manual. (Note: members must log in to view this page.)
Clayfolk Fall Show Positions
Show Chair | Pts 17 | Yrs 3 | Works alone or has trainee
Receives $1000 honorarium from the annual show. In charge of running the show, organize the two mandatory pre-show meetings, as well as the post show wrap meeting. Update yearly application, select committee chairs, work with the board making policy changes.
Show Secretary | Pts 3 | Yrs 3
Takes minutes at the January, August and October Show Chair Meetings. Types up minutes and sends to the Show Chair, Show Chair Trainee (if applicable), President and Secretary.
Advertising Design Pts 8 | Yrs 3 | Works alone or with trainee
Design mailer and poster for the show; design and place paid advertising. Coordinate with Print, TV/Radio and Mailer Chairs.
Promotions | Pts 8 | Yrs 3 | Committee is 4 people
Receives $250 honorarium from the annual show. Promote Clayfolk through free media by writing articles on artists and the show. Develop other types of free promotion.
TV Radio | Pts 4 | Yrs 3 | Works alone or with trainee
Promote the show through paid TV and Radio ads and Public Service Announcements.
eCard | Pts 6 | Yrs 3 | Works alone or with trainee
Arranges for customer email addresses to be entered into a database. Responsible for creating and sending out annual eCard. Supplies the computer and program to enter the customer’s email addresses and trains the greeters on the use of the computer program and inputting email addresses. Be present at the show to answer any questions related to entering email addresses.
Mailing | Pts 6 | Yrs 3 | Works alone or with trainee
Keep mailing list current. Coordinate printing and mailing of the printing company, coordinate with other Publicity Committees.
Sales | Pts 10 | Yrs 3 | Committee is 5 people
Order supplies, oversee set-up and tear down of sales area. Do a pre-show training of cashiers. Train committee members and be present during show for problem solving.
Point Of Sale | Pts 10 | Yrs 3 | Works alone or with a Co-chair, If there is a co-chair 5 pts each
Set up and maintain POS machines. Work with the bank, phone company and venue staff. Work during the show to keep the machines working. (Formerly known as VISA)
Price Tags | Pts 10 | Yrs 3 | Works alone or with trainee
Responsible for keeping artists’ pages accurately tallied and ordered alphabetically at the end of each day.
Cash/Check | Pts 7 | Yrs 3 | Committee is 2 people or one member and one trainee
Count cash and checks during the Show. Provide accurate tallies at the end of each day.
Bookkeeping (formerly Accounting) | Pts 8 | Yrs 3 | Committee is 3-5 people
Bookkeeping usually completed in the treasurer’s domicile. Monies counted and sheet totals then entered into a computerized show participant spreadsheet. All cash and checks are delivered to the night deposit box at the J-Ville US Bank.
Info Pack/Work shifts | Pts 7 | Yrs 2 | Works alone or with trainee
Assign work shifts, (coordinate with Children’s Area Chair and others if necessary) design and mail participants’ information packet.
Building | Pts 8 | Yrs 3 | Committee is 5 people
Responsible for floor layout and electrical cords for booths, phone cords for visa terminals, and interface with the Armory staff. Does periodic safety check on the outside of the building during the Show.
Signs | Pts 4 | Yrs 2 | Committee is 1 person
Responsible for all signage (except floor plan), put-up and tear down. Before show work includes getting signage printed, large sign updated, name tags made.
Group Booth | Pts 8 | Yrs 3 | Committee is 4 people
Set-up and tear down the group booth. Communicate with group booth participants before the show (often group booth participants are new to the show) guide group booth members to choose their spaces to set up. Before show communication, during the show set-up and tear down. Group booth participants can help with set-up/take down as well.
Demonstrations | Pts 6 | Yrs 2 | Committee is 2 people
Set-up and take down demonstration area, get clay and potter’s wheel for demos. Do a 1 ½ hr. demo, organize other demonstrators.
Children’s Area | Pts 6 | Yrs 2 | Committee is 6 people
Set-up and take down Children’s area, get clay (donated if possible). Organize committee shifts to coordinate with general work shifts, coordinate with Work Shift Chair.
Refreshments | Pts 7 | Yrs 2 | Committee is 2 people
Provide food and beverages for customers Friday night and for the artists during the show.
Music | Pts 4 | Yrs 2 | Works alone or with Trainee
Arrange for live music Friday night, keep appropriate music playing during the show, set-up and take down PA system.
Sunday Door Prizes | Pts 4 | Yrs 2 | Works alone or with trainee
Sunday 10am-3pm set-up in greeting area, have customers sign up for gift certificate (which gives us feedback on our advertising) and award gift certificates towards pottery purchases.
Show Map | Pts 2 | Yrs 3
Create and get printed maps of booth layout and names for the public.
Storage/Transportation | Pts 5 | Yrs 2 | Works alone or with one other person
Transport to and from the show items in storage.
Rookie Wrangler | Pts 3 | Yrs 3
Gather all the rookies in the show for special events
View Clayfolk SHOW Operations Manual
Clayfolk Spring Show Positions
Show Chairs: 2 positions | Pts 5 | each or | Pts 10 for 1 | Yrs 3
Oversees running the show, obtaining the venue and event dates.
Provide members with a participation of interest survey in early fall.
Obtain and submit the contract to the treasurers for approval and signage.
Selects committee chairs and coordinates with the committee chairs and show participants.
Submit event budget to Clayfolk board for approval.
Oversee registration and provide participants with updates.
Establishes the venue booth map in coordination with the event layout chair and make booth
Submit points earned to points chair post show.
Promotions: 1 position | Pts 4 | Yrs 3
Promote event through free social media
Promote event through radio ads and public service announcements
Coordinates with advertising chair
Work within show advertising budget
Advertising: 1 position | Pts 1 | Yrs 3
Design digital mailer and poster for the show.
Coordinate with the promotions chair
Accounting: 1 position | Pts 4 | Yrs 3
Keep records of expenses and total income .
Utilize Clayfolk show participant/expense spreadsheet to reflect sales totals, commissions, booth fees
and expenses. Send to Clayfolk treasurers.
Collect commissions at the end of show or my mail.
Submit all checks to Clayfolk treasurers.
Signage: 1 position| Pts 1 | Yrs 3
Responsible for all signage, put-up and tear down.
Create and obtain new signage as needed.
eCard & Registration: 1 position | Pts 4 | Yrs 3
Develop and implement a registration template via Google forms
E-card development and distribution to Clayfolk mailing list using MailChimp.
Mail List: 1 position | Pts 1 | Yrs 3
Keep mailing list current and coordinate mailing with e card chair.
Event Layout / Map: 1 position | Pts 2 | Yrs 3
Works with show chairs to establish booth map and booth assignments.
Responsible for event layout, interface with venue staff day of event, set booth spaces.
Secretary: 1 position| Pts 1 | Yrs 3
Take minutes at all meetings pertaining to the show.
Submit copies of all minutes to all show chairs.
Committee work: TBD by Show chairs with approval from the Board. As with the Fall show, the points would be reflected in the year end point toals.
Revis 10/15/2023)