Promotions: Promotes Clayfolk through print media, includng placing ads and arranging features in newspapers and other print media (in cooperation with Advertising Design), placing notices in monthly calendars of various publications, distributing posters and bookmarks, and installing signs advertising the Show. Coordinates with Social Media, TV/Radio, Mailing, and Show Chairs.
TV/Radio: Promotes the show through paid TV and Radio ads and Public Service Announcements.
Advertising Design: Designs mailer, bookmarks, and poster for the Show; design and places paid advertising. Coordinates with Promotions, Social Media, TV/Radio, and Mailing Chairs.
Sales: Orders supplies, oversees set-up and tear down sales area. Does a pre-show training of cashiers. Provides team captain for shifts; trains committee members. Committee members do one additional workshift in Sales area as part of committee work.
Visa: Sets up and maintains visa machines. Works with the bank, phone company and venue staff. Works during the show to keep the machines working.
Building: Responsible for floor layout and electrical cords for booths, phone cords for visa terminals, and interface with the Armory staff. Does periodic safety check on the outside of the building during the Show.
Group Booth: Sets up and tears down group booth. Communicates with group booth participants before the show (often group booth participants are new to the show). Guide group booth members to choose their spaces to set up. Takes responsibilit for communication before the show, during the show, set-up, and tear down. Group booth participants can help with set-up/take down as well.
Sales Tags: Responsible for transferring sales tags to artists’ sales pages and keeping pages accurately tallied and ordered alphabetically at the end of each day.
Cash/Check: Counts cash and checks during show. Provides accurate tallies at the end of each day.
Demonstrations: Set-ups and takes down demonstration area; gets clay and potters wheel for demos. Does a 1 ½ hr demo, organizes other demonstrators. Non-committee members who do demos earn 1 point.
Info Pack/ Work shifts: Assigns work shifts, (coordinates with Children’s Area Chair and others if necessary); designs and mails participants’ information packet.
Children’s Area: Sets up and takesdown Children’s area; gets clay (donated if possible). Organizes committee shifts to coordinate with general work shifts; coordinates with Work Shift Chair. Committee members do additional work shifts in Children’s Area on Satuday/Sunday.
Mailing: Keeps mailing list current. Oversees printing and mailing of the printing company; coordinates with Advertising Chair.
eCard: Arranges for customer email addresses to be entered into a data base. Responsible for sending out annual eCard. Trains greeters on use of computer and inputting e-mail addresses.
Refreshments: Provides food and beverages for customers Friday night and for the artists during the show up-stairs.
Music: Arranges for live music Friday night; keep appropriate music playing during the show; sets up and takes down PA system.
Signs: Responsible for all internal signage (except floor plan) at the show venue, including put-up and tear down. Before the show: gets signage printed, large sign updated, and name tags and booth names fabricated and made available to artists.
Storage/Transportation: Transports items in storage to and from the show.
Sunday Door Prizes: Sunday 10am-3pm: Responsible for set-up in greeting area, having customers sign up for gift certificate (which gives us feedback on our advertising), organizes the drawing, and awards gift certificates towards pottery purchases to winners.
Names/Floor Plan: Creates maps of booth layout and names and gets them printed for distribution to the buyers.
Show Secretary: Takes minutes at the January and October mandatory chair meetings, which are then sent to Show Committee Chairs and posted on the web site.