Tea Duong Workshop

The Clayfolk Workshop Committee is pleased to announce a demonstration workshop with clay artist and Clayfolk member, Tea Duong.  

To register online!  Just click on the Register NOW button to the left.

For those who do not wish to register online you can still do it the snail-mail way by downloading this workshop registration form and mailing a check to the Carole Hayne, P.O. Box 337, Merlin, OR  97532.

Have questions? Please contact Carole at workshops@clayfolk.org

Tea’s bio:

As a young child and soon-to-be artist, Tea Duong immigrated from Vietnam to the United States.  He has been a studio potter since 1986.  As an artist, he has studied and worked abroad in New Zealand, Australia, and Europe.  Currently, Mr Duong maintains an expansive studio in the Coast Range of Western Oregon.

Tea has taught pottery classes for over twenty years and, due to frequent requests, recently began offering ceramic workshops at various learning institutions. He has a master’s degree from Truman State University (formally Northwest Missouri State University) with an emphasis in art.  Tea’s students will tell you he has an amazing talent for conveying knowledge of his own personal and unique wheel throwing techniques.


Visit Tea’s website