Trinity Singer Jugrack 1ft9.34in tall bronze


Trinity Singer


I am excited to be joining Clayfolk. My name is Trinity Singer and I live in Medford. As an artist I have indulged in the use of many different types of mediums and have recently decided to focus my attention and passions solely on ceramics.  I have lived in Ashland and Los Angeles in the past and am excited for my newly focused and enriched art practice.
I look forward to getting to know everyone


Website  |  EmailFacebook  |  Phone: 310-874-8692

Click on images to enlarge.

childhood Trinity Singer Clay and Plastic
The Roads Well Traveled used clothing Trinity Singer
Trinity Singer Discarded Discourseclay and fabric
Singer_Metamorphosis 5
Sleep porcelain and foam
Trinity Singer Artist
Singer_Metamorhosis 6
lady justice