Sandy Brown - Tray and bowls

Rudy, Lynita, & Anna Zajack

Rudy and Lynita, and their daughter Anna, work together in their home pottery studio making
hanging ornaments; small bowls; slab pots and vases; and, pendants/beads and buttons. The
clay creations are decorated using vintage stamps, clay rollers, Polish rolling pins, various found
objects, and underglaze transfers. All creations are then stained, painted by hand with various
colors of underglazes and/or mid-fire glazes, and then sprayed with clear glaze before being
Rudy, a retired nurse, and Anna, a stay-at-home mom, spend hours choosing the right glass,
ceramic and metal beads to use on the hanging ornaments before they bend the copper wire
and let their inner Dr. Suess come out. Each hanging ornament is whimsical and one of a kind.

Lynita started in clay with a Saturday adult enrichment course 30 years ago. Rudy kept asking
for a bigger bowl so she challenged him to take the class with her. Before long he was making
bigger bowls and she moved to slab and multimedia. Their daughter, Anna, took classes in clay
at Crater High School and was soon helping the teacher as a classroom aide. The family works
together to make one-of-a-kind slab-built creations with the goal of making you smile.

More examples of their work can be found at their Etsy shop BirdsBowlsandThings –


Sandy Brown - Bowls
Sandy Brown - Tray
Sandy Brown - Tray
Sandy Brown - Tray
Sandy Brown - Tray
Sandy Brown - Bowls
Sandy Brown - Tray