January 2024 Clayfolk General Meeting

Clayfolk General Meeting

Date: Sunday January 28, 2024

The upcoming Clayfolk General Meeting – Sunday January 28th, 2:30 – 4:00, will be held at Ashland Middle School, 100 Walker Ave, Ashland OR, Rosie Russell’s Classroom.  Will also be on Zoom.

Program:  Show & tell of your favorite pottery tool..

Please send any agenda items to president@clayfolk.org

October 2023 Clayfolk General Meeting

Clayfolk General Meeting

Clayfolk Show and Sale Booth Pick

Date: Sunday October 22nd

The upcoming Clayfolk General Meeting – Sunday October 22, 2:30 – 4:00, will be held at the Grants Pass Museum of Art (same booth pick venue as previous years).

The show chairs meeting is also on October 22 and is scheduled to be held from 12:30 – 2:00

Please send any agenda items to president@clayfolk.org

August 2023 Clayfolk General Meeting

Clayfolk General Meeting

Date: Sunday August 20th

The upcoming Clayfolk General Meeting – Sunday August 20, 2:30 – 4:00, will be held in Rosie Russell Classroom at Ashland Middle School, 100 Walker Avenue, Ashland, Oregon. enter at the southernmost door accessible from the AMS ((not TRAILS)) parking lot).  There will be a sandwich board sign indicating the right door.

As usual, you can bring a treat to share if you’d like.

The program for this meeting will be an interactive, all inclusive trivia game which can be played by our in-person AND remote attendees!!  If you have a smartphone, make sure to bring it or have it handy for game-time.  While bragging rights is the best prize, we may also have some actual prizes for the top scorers!

Please send any agenda items to gro.klofyalc@tnediserp

July 2023 Clayfolk General Meeting

New Venue:  Michael McKinney’s house at 427 SW H Street, Grants Pass 
New Date, July 8, for the upcoming Clayfolk General Meeting

Next General Meeting Saturday July 8, 2023, 2:30-4:00 pm at Reinhold Volunteer Park formally named Sportsman Park

Activity at the meeting will be the swap meet and pot luck
Please send any agenda items to president@clayfolk.org

2023 Clayfolk Spring Show & Sale

The 2023 Clayfolk Spring Show & Sale

Event date: May 13

Location: EdenVale Winery 


The 2023 Spring Clayfolk show & sale we will be at the EdenVale Winery.  Many of your favorite artists will be there along with many new clay artists.  Hope to see you there so mark your calendars for the date of May 13.  All of our artists are eager to see all our customers at the show.

March 2023 Clayfolk General Meeting

Next General Meeting Sunday March 26, 2023, 2:30-4:00 pm at Ashland Middle School, 100 Walker Avenue, Ashland, OR 97520

Meeting will be held in Rosie Russell’s classroom
Park in the main lot and enter through the southernmost building entrance
Activity will be a collaborative sgraffito tile carving, bring a carving tool or two
There will be a zoom option

Please send any agenda items to president@clayfolk.org